Science, Wisdom, and the Future
Humanity's Quest for a Flourishing
Papers from the
presentations are
being published as an affordable book to capture the scope of
interdisciplinary scholarship, the spirit of the conference, and for the benefit of those unable to attend. A copy of the book will be made available to all
participants as part of their registration fees. It will be available to all through
the Collins Foundation Press (
approximately 8-10 months after the conference.
Paper submitted for
publishing in the proceedings will be format, copy, and technically
edited. Guidelines for the
papers are given below and are closely followed.
Science, Wisdom, and the Future Conference Proceedings
here for Complete Publications Instructions for Authors)
deadline for submitting papers is July 31, 2009. This will allow for
authors to include information or insights gained at the conference and
the preparation of special focus reports.
Contributor Information:
Please list your name under your paper title as you wish it to appear in
the published volume. Please do not include your affiliation on your
paper. See below for information on affiliations.
Short Bios:
We would like for each author to contribute a short bio to be posted on
this website (~200 words or less). Please include your affiliation,
current research/research interests, books/articles authored or
co-authored, any awards or honors received, etc. You may also
provide web addresses and contact information.
Papers for Proceedings:
1. Readership: The primary audience we intend to target will be intelligent laypersons who want an overall grasp of the
discussion of science and wisdom and our planetary future from the many different perspectives which this edited volume
will incorporate. Your paper will be a summary of your presentation
at the conference.
2. Word count: Approximately 2,000 words for 20 minute presentations,
(other types of presentations may have varying word counts) including references; again, please try to write as concisely and
clearly as possible to be within the word count. (Please note that each
chapter will have its own references rather than having an overall
reference list at the end of the volume so please only use references
when necessary.
3. Format and Style: Submission will require a Microsoft Word Document.
Click here
for Collins Foundation Press Instructions to Authors
4. Please submit your paper electronically to Put "Science and Wisdom" Paper
in the subject line.
5. Please use your last name followed by your first name with no other
symbols or punctuation for the file name on your paper: Genet Cheryl.doc
7. Deadline (Friday, July
31, 2009): Receipt of
late papers can contribute to a delay in publication of the volume.
**As a reminder, keep an electronic and hard-copy of your paper
in case questions arise during the editing process.** |